Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Clean AsyncOperationBase Table

declare @DeleteRowCount int
Select @DeleteRowCount = 2000
declare @DeletedAsyncRowsTable table (AsyncOperationId uniqueidentifier not null)
declare @continue int, @rowCount int
select @continue = 1
while (@continue = 1)
begin tran
insert into @DeletedAsyncRowsTable(AsyncOperationId)
Select top (@DeleteRowCount) AsyncOperationId
from AsyncOperationBase
where OperationType in (1, 9, 12, 25, 27, 10) AND StateCode = 3 AND StatusCode in (30, 32)

Select @rowCount = 0
Select @rowCount = count(*) from @DeletedAsyncRowsTable
select @continue = case when @rowCount <= 0 then 0 else 1 end

if (@continue = 1)
delete WorkflowLogBase from WorkflowLogBase W, @DeletedAsyncRowsTable d
where W.AsyncOperationId = d.AsyncOperationId

delete BulkDeleteFailureBase From BulkDeleteFailureBase B, @DeletedAsyncRowsTable d
where B.AsyncOperationId = d.AsyncOperationId

delete AsyncOperationBase From AsyncOperationBase A, @DeletedAsyncRowsTable d
where A.AsyncOperationId = d.AsyncOperationId

delete @DeletedAsyncRowsTable


Select Count(*) from AsyncoperationBase Where OperationType = 10 AND StateCode = 3 AND StatusCode = 30